How to Say Cheers In Japanese Amazing History of Japan’s Drinking Toast

How to Say Cheers In Japanese: Amazing History of Japan’s Drinking Toast

Most sake fans are familiar with Japanese drinking culture and the complex social protocol for toasting. It’s a country that prides itself on unbeatable etiquette, and the right ‘cheers’ is no exception.  So if you’re interested in Japanese culture, planning a trip, or you’d like to drink with Japanese friends, it helps to know the…

What Does Sake Mean in Japanese

What Does Sake Mean in Japanese (and Why It’s an Impressive Drink)

In the globalized world of the 21st century, we should know better than to draw lines between West and East, orient and occident. They are doubtlessly different, but none of them deserves to be regarded as a standard from which the other one would deviate. Despite all of our efforts to decentralize the world, most…

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